Space Planning - Reporting SA 0 hr 12 min

Workplace Central: Space Planning Reporting (SA) - eLearning
Introduction to report writer functionality in space planning.
In this eLearning you will be introduced to the Report writer and its functions in space planning.
Then we will review the report designer and its tools for building a report.
The report writer is used to create reports on selected information in your system, compare the system data, and provide feedback on the selected information.
Payment and Registration Notes (please read!):
- eLearning Cost: ZAR250 including VAT
- Please note that eLearnings are billed per user viewing the course.
- You will have access to the course for 30 days from the date of purchase.
- If you are interested in taking this eLearning course, please click the Sign up/Enquire Now button above to submit your request. In your email, please include your organization name, MRI client ID, the student name and email address, and the course name.